Document 0606 DOCN M9460606 TI Serologic response to standard inactivated influenza vaccine in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. DT 9408 AU Chadwick EG; Chang G; Decker MD; Yogev R; Dimichele D; Edwards KM; Department of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Medical School,; Chicago, IL. SO Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1994 Mar;13(3):206-11. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94232702 AB We compared the serologic response of 46 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children and adolescents and 61 age-matched controls to standard trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (A/Taiwan (H1N1), A/Shanghai (H3N2), B/Yamagata). Children were immunized according to the package insert recommendations before the 1990 to 1991 influenza season. Serum antibody titers to influenza A were determined before and 1 month after each vaccination and compared for study and control subjects. Serologic responses of HIV-infected participants were correlated with absolute CD4 counts and stage of HIV disease. Regardless of age or HIV status, all groups responded with significant increases in antibody to the influenza A strains (range, 2.1-fold to 11.8-fold), with the exception that antibody to H3N2 rose only 1.5-fold (P = 0.058) among HIV-positive subjects > or = 9 years old. Pre- and postimmunization antibody titers were significantly higher for controls than for HIV-positive subjects. There was no correlation between serologic responses and CD4 counts among HIV-infected subjects, but those with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-defined acquired immunodeficiency syndrome responded significantly less well to vaccine. We conclude that HIV-infected children and adolescents produce significant antibody rises after inactivated influenza A vaccination but that their absolute antibody concentrations are lower than those seen in age-matched controls. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*IMMUNOLOGY Adolescence Antibodies, Viral/*BIOSYNTHESIS/IMMUNOLOGY Child, Preschool Comparative Study Female Human Infant Influenza Vaccine/*IMMUNOLOGY Male Orthomyxoviridae Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Orthomyxovirus Type A, Human/*IMMUNOLOGY Risk Factors Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. Vaccination Vaccines, Inactivated/IMMUNOLOGY JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).